Casino Math Assessment Test

The SkillSeries™ Math Test consists of 20 problems that require applicants to perform basic math functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and percentages. This expertly designed exam will screen applicants for jobs requiring the ability to understand and apply basic mathematical concepts correctly. Numerical reasoning tests, or pre-hire math tests, are the generic terms for number-based assessments that range from basic mathematics or arithmetic tests to high-level numerical critical reasoning assessments. The test types corresponds to the job level, including high-ranking senior management positions, graduate or managerial jobs,.
The Placement Tests help determine the best level for a student to begin within the Math-U-See curriculum.
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While the student is taking the Placement Test, the teacher should document observations regarding whether the student is using finger counting, touch points, or tally marks; other patterns should be noted such as missing steps, careless errors, or incorrect methods. These observations should be recorded on the Class Placement Data Sheet* or in a similar fashion.
If the student can recognize, read, and write the numbers 0-10, begin with the Alpha Placement Test. If, while taking that test, the student demonstrates mastery of Alpha content and the prerequisite skills for Beta, then the student can progress through the tests until the appropriate entry level is found. Please refer to the Math-U-See Professional Development Module (provided as part of the In-Service Training) on Placement for the prerequisite skills for each level (contact us to learn more about the In-Service Training we can provide).
Note: The Primer level of Math-U-See is generally not recommended for students in an intervention program. Please contact us to discuss your specific situation so we can help you to determine if Primer would be appropriate in your educational setting.
General Education

If the student is in grades K-3 and can recognize, read, and write the numbers 0-10, begin with the Alpha Placement Test. Kindergarten-aged students who do not meet these requirements can be placed in Primer. If the student is older, begin with the PreTest. If the student misses more than one problem at any level on the PreTest, administer the Placement Test for that level.
*For those with Professional Access, the Class Placement Data Sheet can be downloaded as a Word document. Contact us to learn more about the documentation and support provided with Math-U-See Professional Access.
If you have any questions about administering the Placement Tests, please contact us.
General Math Placement Tests
Secondary Math Placement Tests
Preemployment tests for gaming and casinos help stop managers from rolling the dice every time they hire a new employee. The PeopleClues gaming suite of pre-hire tests is used by casinos to help screen out high risk job applicants and hire employees who are honest, dependable, conscientious, and exhibit excellent customer service skills. Our gaming suite is an addition to our very popular PeopleClues hospitality suite of pre-hire assessments.
PeopleClues employee assessments test for personality fit, honesty & integrity, and general reasoning. Each PeopleClues report gives you A graphical display comparing candidates to other successful employees, easy to understand interpretation guides, and customized interview questions.Job specific benchmarks are available for more than a dozen positions from the dishwasher and housekeeping to the manager. Click here for the current listing of available reports. If you don’t see a position listed, call us at 800-803-4303.
The gaming job categories include:
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Testing for PeopleClues is completed on online and reports are available immediately. Account set-up is easy and training to use and interpret reports is minimal. Plus all clients of Success Performance Solutions receive unlimited phone and email support.
Casino Math Assessment Test
Call Success Performance Solutions now at 800-803-4303 for a free sample report or more information.