Poker 1v1 Tips

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Basic Strategy:Tips : Position : Starting Hands : Bluffing : Betting : Money Management

It's all well and good knowing when to bet and raise, but if you don't know how much money you should be betting and raising when the action is on you, then there is a pretty big hole in your game.

Use this quick and easy guide to find out how big your bets should be for the next time you sit down at a no limit Texas Hold'em table.


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Why is it important to size your bets properly?

Lets say that you hold a strong hand like top pair on the flop, but there are also two cards of the same suit on the board. Like this...

If you bet too little, you are giving players with drawing hands or hands like middle pair the opportunity to see a cheap turn card, which makes it mathematically correct for them to call to try and beat your hand (as they will have good pot odds - but don't worry about this if you are not familiar with pot odds (playing flush and straight draws) yet, just take it as betting too little is bad). So by not betting enough, you are simply allowing other players to catch up and take the pot away from you.

If you bet too much, you are risking a lot of money for the times when an opponent has a better hand than you. Top pair is a good hand on the flop, and a big bet will get rid of those weaker hands that are trying to outdraw you, but what happens if another player already has you beat? You will have committed a lot of money to the pot when a smaller bet would have done the same job but saved you money.

So as you can guess, we are going to be shooting for the 'sweet spot' in terms of bet sizes. This is going to be where we bet enough to make it mathematically incorrect for players on draws to call, but at the same time not betting so much that it means we lose too much money if we come up against resistance. So lets get to it...

How to size your bets in no limit Texas Hold'em.

Allow me to give you a fundamental yet very awesome rule about good poker betting strategy:

Poker 1v1 Tips

The size of your bets should always be made relative to the size of the pot.

This just means that whenever you make a bet, you take into consideration the size of the pot and bet according to how big or small the pot is. But again, this is all well and good, but it doesn't tell you how big your bets should be. So let me give you one more magical rule that you should always try and follow when it comes to bet sizing.

If you have a strong hand that you wish to bet with, you should make your bets between 75% - 100% of the size of the pot.

By following this rule, you will always be able to work out the optimum range of bet sizes to make at any stage of any hand. By betting between these two figures, you will be betting enough to force opponents on a draw to fold, but not risking so much that it makes it detrimental if one of the other players at the table has you beat. It's a simple rule I know, but it will take you a long way.

Betting before the flop.

I'll mention this again in the article on playing before the flop, but as a general rule of thumb, you want to make your preflop raises around 4 times the size of the big blind.

You have a good hand, so you want to play for good money with it.

If you find that there are any limpers before you, then add 1 big blind on top of the 4 big blind raise. So if you are playing $1/$2 NL Hold'em and you have decided that you want to make a preflop raise, then the standard raise would be $8. However, if there has been 1 limper, then make it $10. If there has been two limpers, make it $12 and so on...

This is because limpers make the pot bigger, which will mean that even if you make a standard 4X BB raise, your opponents will be getting a better price to make the call to see a flop. So make sure you put them to a tougher decision... you want bad players to make a costly mistake by paying a lot to enter the pot with a lame hand.

You're not trying to guarantee winning to pot with a big raise. The benefit of it is getting in to a bigger-money pot with an edge, and that edge is having stronger cards than your opponents. It's good when they call with terrible hands.

With high cards like AK and AQ, the ideal situation is to be heads-up (1v1) on the flop. The more players in the pot with a hand like AK, the trickier it gets. Good preflop betting strategy increases the chances of you playing heads up.

Poker betting strategy overview.

Poker 1v1 tips tricksTips

That's essentially the meat and bones of bet sizing in Texas Hold'em for you. You can perfect it in your own time through practice, but if you stick with the 75% - 100% rule and the 4BB rule for before the flop, you are well on your way to becoming a force to be reckoned with at the poker table.

The bet sizing may seem a bit bigger than you might normally be used to, but trust me on this one, this is how a winning poker player bets. It may seem a little scary at first, but you will get used to it after you start to get your feet wet. You also won't mind it as much when you find that you have a much more commanding role over the pots that you play, so get back out there and start betting like a champ.

Go back to the sublime Texas Hold'em guide.

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Whether you are a multi-table tournament expert, a Sit’N’Go grinder, or a shorthanded cash-game shark, adapting your game heads-up can be quite tricky. You don’t have to play HUSNGs or HU cash in order to know that, there are many other ways you can end up playing Head2Head. Maybe you want to increase your ROI and are aware of your heads-up leaks - doesn’t matter the type of game, single-table tournament, MTTSNGs or just plain ol’ MTTs. Hopefully you will eventually play heads-up for the win - or maybe you are sick of waiting around for some seats to become available and you want to start the action by opening up a cash table, in all cases you have to approach poker differently than you usually would at a shorthanded or a full ring table.

Head2Head is a different card game filled with many ups and downs, variance on steroids, and a great deal of money up for grabs. Here are some basic adjustments you ought to make when playing against a single opponent.

Loosen Up!

Poker 1v1 Tips Game

The first and most important adjustment you have to make is loosening up. And by up, we mean way up. It doesn’t matter if you play a boss-like 30/25 at your usual games, these sort of stats are nitty to say the least in a heads-up play. In fact, you have to play somewhere close to 70% of your hands and even more when in position to optimize your chances of winning.

Position is even more important during heads-up play as it gives you countless opportunities for bluffing, pot-controlling, and value-betting. Remember that the small blind is king, you will have position over your opponent the entire post-flop play so don’t be afraid to open up what you would otherwise consider junk in your usual games. This means things like suited three-gappers, small suited one-gappers or Jack-rag.

And to further convince you about the dramatic shift you have to make, consider what the heads-up players usually say to newbies:

No matter how bad your hand looks, the hand your opponent holds is usually worse.'

While you can't take the saying perfectly literally, think of the strength of the two hands in play. Only four random cards are dealt before the flop. There is a high probability that both players have a weak holding, which leads us to our next section:

Bluffing Is Mandatory

Indeed, there is no turning back. The nit play has no place in heads-up, so you'll have to mix it up and bluff a decent amount of time. Why? You guessed it, because the opponent will usually have a weak holding, some kind of a marginal hand that can’t stand pressure.

Don’t be afraid to double- or triple-barrel if necessary while at the same time keeping in mind the opponent in front of you. Is he the type of player who can call three bets with Ace- of King-high? Be sure to have a plan and only bluff on favorable boards and cards. Will he fold a bottom pair to pressure? Then use this weapon and kill you opponent at the heads-up poker table. Either way, you’ll need some serious soul-reading skills in order to crush your foe.

Again, we can’t stress enough about the importance of position: use bluffing in position when you are last to act and you have gathered as much info as possible, then open up your small blind aggressively. Yes, that’s right, AGGRESSIVELY!

Aggression Is Key

Playing passively can hurt you a lot in a heads-up game. Don’t just complete the blind and call post-flop. There is a lot of dead money in the pot - in many cases not even contested - and the only way to get the goods is to bet and raise like you've got the nuts.

Also take into consideration the rake which is sky-high in heads-up cash. Why? Because there is a lot of action involved and a lot of hands that are defended, many times even turned into a bluff. If you play passively, you will not only lose to your opponent but also to the House. You can’t give up that many pots anymore because all those pots will come back to haunt you in the long run. In other words, don’t play like it’s your usual 12-table niting-down grind, not paying that much attention to the way your opposition is playing.

Heads-up play requires your full-commitment on the poker felt, that’s why you won’t see many heads-up players - tournament or cash - playing more than two to four tables. So go out there and play poker like it was meant to be played, pushing your opponent’s buttons, making him tilt, and forcing him to spew away money, another major plus for being aggressive.

Heads-Up Play: The Purest Form of Poker

All the above adjustments and recommendations make heads-up a both loved and hated poker variation. Loved because of the action and hated because of the high variance. Many even say that heads-up play is the purest form of poker. Why? Because to really be a crusher, you have to be an expert at how to play your whole range on a variety of boards. This usually requires a lot of experience, not to mention excellent hand-reading skills.

In Head2Head, playing the top range is not enough anymore and bluffing becomes a must. Versus good opponents, you have to play balanced in order to survive and you also have to adjust and re-adjust your strategy on the go as the meta-game changes.

Poker 1v1 Tips Play


How do you adjust heads-up? Be sure to leave a comment about your head2head play below.